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Within the framework of the implementation by WESDE with funding from IUCN-BRAC, of the Projects: Domestication of Acacia senegal in Mallia, Waza district, and Project for the creation of a green belt in Tagawa I & II, Waza district, the specific objectives or rather the aims of this project were
the specific objectives or rather the goals of this project were – to improve the living conditions of the population – to initiate the process of restoring the topsoil
conserve biodiversity, – strengthen social cohesion.

There is no doubt that these projects have brought about profound changes in the way of life of the people of the Waza district. They now regularly get together to work, which strengthens the community spirit, reinforces the links and consequently strengthens social cohesion. However, these changes obtained during the first quarter of the implementation should not make us lose sight of the difficulties or constraints that these populations had during the implementation of the project.
the difficulties or constraints that these populations have had during the execution of the work.

One of the relevant results was the setting up by the population and the members of the GIC Istifack Letardel Fogour of Malia of a project to extend the domestication of acacia Senegal. Given the way things are going, they do not intend to stop there and do everything possible to go further in their undertaking.

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