Our Innovations

  • Development and promotion of the innovative rotating soap handwashing device (DLMI-SR) in the preventive fight against virus diseases
  • Development and promotion of Washable and Reusable Barrier Masks (RBMs) in the preventive fight against virus diseases.
  • Development and promotion of consolidated paving stones

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Diarrhoea causes 600,000 child deaths each year and in more than 1.7 billion cases, diarrhoeal diseases are also associated with a higher risk of stunting (underweight for age and developmental delay) and represent a huge burden to society.

Indeed, handwashing with soap has moved to the top of the international hygiene agenda on 15 October each year, with the commemoration of Global Handwashing Day. Since its launch in 2008, declared the International Year of Sanitation by the United Nations General Assembly, Global Handwashing Day has extended and strengthened the campaign to improve hygiene practices around the world.

Addressing the issue of hygiene has long been the first step towards improving people’s health. Many diseases are linked to poor hygiene. And one of the main vectors of these diseases are the hands. These organs, although indispensable, can cause serious health damage if they are not used in accordance with the minimum rules of hygiene.

It is for this reason that for several centuries, the issue of hand washing has been a very effective method for reducing the prevalence of certain diseases, particularly those related to faecal peril. Thus, with the vast campaigns of sensitization to the change of behavior at the level of the populations, this practice spread in all the environments of activity.

High quality of Hands washing Device to promote

In view of the shortcomings noted despite the observance of this rule, it was recommended that hand washing be done with soap and water every time.
However, it was noted that the hands that were initially soiled were used to turn on the tap. And once the washing is finished, the hands that are supposed to be clean, are again put in contact with the tap that was already soiled at the start, thus completing the loop. This action seems to cancel out everything that has been done previously. The problem of hand washing is still unresolved.

For vulnerables and poors, reusable mask sitll the best solution with low and affordable cost for all.

Washable and reusable masks (WRMs) will be made from local materials. Being washable and reusable gives these masks a social character (exempting beneficiaries from repeated purchases due to their low purchasing power) and durability (made from quality local materials guarantees the durability of these masks).

In 2020, faced with a shortage of masks, companies and laboratories mobilised to select materials that could be used to make alternative masks in the fight against Covid-19. Two categories of masks were defined.


GLOBAL TERRESSE Development and promotion of consolidated paving stones in Bertoua, Cameroon.

In a world where climate and weather disturbances are a constant theme, the environmental issue is now on the agenda of all political discourse and public action. And one of the areas of this struggle is the management of waste that mass industrial consumption dumps in tons every day into the water, air and land. The agents of pollution are the industries but also the final consumers who by their uncivil behaviour degrade the cleanliness of our villages and even more of our cities. The city of BERTOUA is no exception to this reality. One only has to look at our gutters, waterways and streets to see the damage caused by spontaneous dumping of plastic bottles and electronic debris on the cleanliness of the waterways and the functioning of the sewerage system. It was with this in mind that we decided to set up our own plastic waste recycling company, which we will call

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Building the capacities of actors involved in the protection and rational management of areas with fragile ecology