A word from the Founder & Executive Secretary Between 2020 and 2022, after the great wave of the COVID-19 pandemic that virtually paralyzed our activities, WESDE entered a major restructuring…
A word from the Founder & Executive Secretary Between 2020 and 2022, after the great wave of the COVID-19 pandemic that virtually paralyzed our activities, WESDE entered a major restructuring…
Mot du Fondateur & Secrétaire ExécutifEntre 2020 et 2022, après la grande vaguede la pandémie du COVID-19 qui apratiquement paralyse nos activités, WESDEest entrée dans une grande phase derestructuration, après…
PAIBLT MAKARY SITE Prevention: 389 leaflets distributed, 111 posters distributed and put up, 1,613 individual interviews carried out, 66,720 people reached by awareness-raising,Voluntary testing: 2,985 people referred for voluntary HIV…