consolidate local potential.

The Environmental Management Centre WESDE (Water Energy and Sanitation for Development), is a non-profit association created in 2004 in Maroua, Far North region of Cameroon. Its main mission is to accompany, coach and train local communities on local development opportunities, with a view to enabling them to take responsibility for themselves in the long term. On the basis of a participatory community assessment of the needs of the stakeholders themselves, and with the multifaceted support of its various partners, WESDE has surrounded itself with a team (from multi-skilled community agents to PhD holders) that accompanies the communities on a daily basis in the implementation and appropriation of their projects with them and for them.

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Provide the necessary expertise to develop the capacities of individuals to take charge of their health and care for their environment

Be a dynamic organization, open to the world, initiator of IGAs thus ensuring its organizational stability and its participation in its financial autonomy in order to ensure the sustainability of its projects and programs

Promotion and popularization of renewable energies

as alternatives to firewood - Studies and action research

Production and popularization

of environmental information, education and awareness tools and supports,

Building the capacities

of actors involved in the protection and rational management of areas with fragile ecology

Community care of children

(health, educational & school, nutritional, psychosocial, legal)

Our intervention strategy

Information – Awareness – Studies – Action-Research and Fundamental Research – Capacity Building – Discovery trips – Exchange trips

UN 2023 Water Conference

WESDE is now accredited to The UN 2023 Water Conference – formally known as the 2023 Conference for the Midterm Comprehensive Review of Implementation of the UN Decade for Action on Water and Sanitation (2018-2028) – will take place at UN Headquarters in New York, 22-24 March 2023, co-hosted by Tajikistan and the Netherlands.

Our opportunities

Good visibility and appreciation

of WESDE locally, nationally and internationally

Effective awareness of target populations

populations on the multiple challenges of their living environment, which justifies their effective involvement in all the processes undertaken for their benefit and their environment, which guarantees the sustainability of the projects carried out,

Multiple formalized partnerships

with the government of the Republic of Cameroon

Our partners

WESDE: Taking Leadership in Water Energy and Sanitation in Cameroon

While improving significantly the sanitation, hygiene and housing conditions of disadvantaged populations, we aim to reduce the percentage of the population that does not have sustainable access to a drinking water supply. We also want to train and educate people to sustainable management of water resources and the protection of the environment, trying to reverse the current trend of loss of environmental resources. In order to do so, we seek to cooperate with national and international organizations, develop and maintain partnership, exchange and learning relationships. Last but not least, one of our objectives is to accompany the community in the fight against HIV / AIDS in order to stop its spread and reverse the current trend



La conjonction d’un ensemble de facteurs défavorables tels : ...

CHWs in front of their working materials

developmentses findings science Blog. Sharing new and studies ...

1rst session of Training of Community Health Workers (CHW)

Organized by the Plan ...

Local transport model between two villages in the Far Nord Region of Cameroon

Our campaign

Present and active in the field since 2004, WESDE works for the benefit of the ecologically fragile environment, protected areas, orphans and vulnerable children, vulnerable girls and women.

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About Bathermy Tsafack

International Advocacy (Africa) & WESDE Founder

As part of post-academic capacity building I was trained in: construction, installation, operation and monitoring of bio sand filters, Maroua, Cameroon, Groundwater management by AGW-Net, at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa, Training of Trainers in Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM), by 2iE, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, Institutional Development and Capacity Building (DIRO), Yaoundé, Cameroon, Training of Trainers in Advocacy by the Network of the African Civil Society on Water and Sanitation (ANEW), Douala, Cameroon, Financial management of projects by the Netherlands Development Organization (VSO), Maroua, Cameroon, Training in Advocacy Techniques in the field of water by PCPA, Mbalmayo, Cameroon, Leader in nature conservation by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF International), Switzerland and the Netherlands.

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